Why I love native apps

I love making native apps. I love using native apps. I love native apps.

My favorite style of app is the one which improves frequent tasks. These apps do a little thing that might impact somebody’s every day workflow several times a day (relevant XKCD). Ideally these apps would flow into the operating system and feel like they were meant to be there.

I am not building a platform. I am not building a brand and a company based on a single application. For those types of apps I understand how Electron is probably the best approach all things considered.

The best native apps are:

  • Built for a specific job
  • Local first
  • Utilize system APIs intentionally
  • Fast & Lightweight
  • Familiar look and feel

I mostly make apps to solve problems and I have on Windows because I am an intense Windows user. The best way to know how to solve problems is to experience the pain first-hand.

Thanks for stopping by,


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