“New Outlook” has problems miniLook is my solution

Windows 8 introduced a native mail app and it was… a work in progress but at least it was native. At the end of the day everything is about trade offs and that didn’t stop as the app evolved into Windows 10. When Windows 11 rolled around everyone wondered how Microsoft was going to upgrade and advance the Mail app into a native app… or do something else.

Turns out Microsoft chose to ditch native for Outlook.com wrapped as an Electron app. As a Windows App developer this strategy was a huge disappointment.

As a return to simple performant Native apps I built miniLook. This app is not a replacement for Outlook.com. Instead it is a super lightweight app which makes checking your email fast and easy. Send a quick email and see the next few events coming up.

Give it a try and let me know what you think.


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